Coin Values

Generally, the market value of a coin depends upon the condition of the coin (grade), the type of metal it is made from, the number of collectors interested in it and how many coins remain in existence. age is not in itself the determining factor.


Coins are graded depending on the amount of detail left on the coin and its general appearance. Most metals are very soft and the merest touching causes the loss of detail. A new coin kept in a pocket for a few days will reduce it from uncirculated to extremely fine and consequently halve its value to a collector. All collectors strive to obtain the best quality coin they can afford. Subsequently coins in lower grades can be a fiftieth of the value of an uncirculated coin.


Collectors hate cleaned coins. Wiping a coin with a cloth, dipping it in cleaner or polishing it can at best reduce the value of a coin and at worst completely ruin a coin. Even a gentle wipe with a cloth causes very fine scratches on the surface of a coin.

With current high silver and gold prices care should be taken not to sell better quality coins for only scrap value. We will give you an honest valuation on each coin and pay more than scrap value for all better quality coins.


There are many very worn old copper and bronze coins. These have more sentimental value than collector value. To be worth more than scrap there must be sufficient detail remaining to be able to identify whether the coin has any variations in the detail in the date, the legend and the hair and jewellery of the monarch or Britannia.


There are hundreds of millions of these coins still in existence. If used and well worn these coins have only scrap value. To be worth anything as individual coins there must be virtually all detail remaining and possibly some original lustre (shine) on the coin. Even in uncirculated condition most 1960’s bronze is still worth little more than scrap.


Coronation, Churchill, royal wedding, birthday and jubilee crowns were issued in tens of millions. Unfortunately there are not tens of millions of coin collectors. Thus the value of these coins is very low and quite often only scrap value.


Pictoral 50p’s and 2 Pounds are quite often found in loose change and can soon accumulate into a collection. Valuation research is more accurately undertaken using the prices of ‘sold’ internet listings rather than from ‘for sale’ listings. The majority of these coins trade at only a small amount above face value and hence I am not able to make an offer on them. The scarcer types will trade for much higher prices but care should be taken so as not to acquire any of the multitude of fakes and forgeries that have flooded the market.